1·Both of the dielectric constant and pyroelectric coefficient decrease with decreasing temperature, no anomalies being observed.
2·A new kind of coated propellant with a striking effect of increasing energy and decreasing temperature sensitivity is invented.
3·The addition of oxygen always needs more carbon for deposition and moves the diamond growth region to the direction of decreasing temperature.
4·The decreasing temperature and neutralization of solution cause destabilization and decomposition of complexes and precipitation of copper minerals.
5·Asphalt mixture on the scene compaction the analysis of nonlinear temperature field theory, and effective compaction time was calculated in accordance with the laws of the decreasing temperature.
6·If you eat too soon before going to bed your metabolic rate and body temperature will increase when they should be decreasing. This makes it harder to get to sleep.
7·As soon as the tropopause is reached, temperature stops decreasing with height.
8·To reheat hardened steel or hardened cast iron to some temperature below the eutectoid temperature for the purpose of decreasing hardness and increasing toughness.
9·It is showed that the forest can not only increase net radiation but also decrease sensible and soil heat fluxes by decreasing surface reflectance and temperature.
10·The ratio of acicular ferrite may increase by raising cooling speed and decreasing final cooling temperature.